Embracing love in giving

Embracing Love in Giving
  • 27 December 2023

Embracing love in giving

🌟 Embracing Love in Giving at Care India Welfare Trust! 🌟
At Care India Welfare Trust, we firmly believe that the impact of giving is not measured by the quantity, but by the love we infuse into every act of kindness. Yesterday was a heartwarming chapter as our incredible donors, Mr Udit Kumar, Mr. Mohit Sagar, Mr. Deepak Kumar and Ms. Asha Rani, graced our Chunna Bhatti center with their benevolence.
πŸ‘§πŸ‘¦ They devoted valuable time to share smiles and warmth with the children, leaving an indelible mark on their hearts. Mr. Mohit, Mr. Deepak, Mr. Udit, and Ms. Asha generosity knew no bounds as they distributed wholesome eatables, not just nourishing their bodies but uplifting their spirits.
πŸ™ A sincere thank you for not only supporting us financially but, more importantly, for personally connecting with these little hearts. Your kindness has woven lasting memories and touched lives in ways that go beyond measure.
🌈 Together, lets continue to make a difference, one act of love at a time! πŸ’• Your support is the catalyst for positive change, and we are grateful for the compassionate community we are building.

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